A retired educator, Don Parks is a native Eastern Shoreman (Maryland) who, with the exception of military service, has lived along the banks of the Chesapeake his entire life. The son of a Chesapeake waterman, Parks spent a great deal of time during his formative years learning the many moods of the Chesapeake. Never without a boat of some description, he continues to enjoy his nautical adventures along the rivers and creeks of the Bay.
The author of six books pertaining to his beloved Bay, Parks enjoys writing and researching Chesapeake history and the unique culture it inspired. He is also an award-winning waterfowl and half-hull carver who dabbles in nature photography. Parks resides in St. Michaels with his wife, also a proud Eastern Shore native.
Book Titles:
Chesapeake Winds and Tides
Chesapeake Splendor
Chesapeake People
Chesapeake Men
Chesapeake Women
Islander’s War (to be published Fall, 2019)